現存ペリスタルティック方式ポンプ製品が未到、未実現の新技術を採用! ATTO は半世紀を超えるペリスタポンプの開発・生産・販売の経験や知見に基づき、ご要望の特に多い流量高精度をはじめとした仕様全項目を見直す改良を行い、新製品ペリスタクォンタムポンプを開発しました。
WSP-3300_PeristaQuantumPump_Operation guide_ENG
Digital new peristaltic pump Improved stability, reproducibility, chemical resistance, flow rate, operability, and external control functions.
■ Metal non-contact: Bio-Safe aseptic, contamination-free, sanitary and clean liquid feed
■ Accomplish the "High Flow Accuracy" by "Quantitative flow stability" and "High flow reproducibility"
■ Low pulsation: by "12-roller rotating roller system"
■ Includes "PeristaQ dedicated standard tube"
■ Easy to use by "Touch Panel Operation and Settings"
■ Productivity improved by external control system